Volumi 1 - 10 su 85. Volumi per pagina
  • L’artiglieria da campagna francese in guerra 1792-1815 Quick View
    • L’artiglieria da campagna francese in guerra 1792-1815

    • 32,00
    • Alla vigilia della Rivoluzione, l'artiglieria era ancora considerata soltanto come un “utile accessorio”, secondo i canoni del pensatore militare Guibert. Ma, nei primi anni ’90, rapidamente si guadagnò, in battaglia, i suoi gradi di nobiltà, diventando un corpo, o meglio un'arma autonoma, che sarà protagonista di tutte le campagne che si svolgeranno dal 1792 al 1815. In questo libro scoprirete tutte le caratteristiche dei pezzi usati, l'organizzazione e il suo uso tattico, l’arma che ebbe l’onore di avere Napoleone tra…
  • The uniforms of the British Loyal Volunteer Corps 1798-1799 Quick View
    • The uniforms of the British Loyal Volunteer Corps 1798-1799

    • Il prezzo originale era: €29,00.Il prezzo attuale è: €25,00.
    • Loyal Volunteers of London & Environs, Infantry & Cavalry, in their respective Uniforms, this book representing the whole and original manual, on military platoon, & weapons exercise in 87 plates Designed & Etched by Thomas Rowlandson, and printed in London by Rudolph Ackermann in the 1799 year. Every uniform contain a descriptive text to each color plate. Hand-colored etched title-page and 86 hand-colored etched plates, all by and after Thomas Rowlandson. Expertly and almost invisibly rebacked to style. A wonderful…
  • Spanish soldiers during the Napoleonic wars 1797-1808 Quick View
    • Spanish soldiers during the Napoleonic wars 1797-1808

    • 29,00
    • In the late 18th century, Bourbon-ruled Spain had an alliance with Bourbon-ruled France and therefore did not have to fear a land war. Its only serious enemy was Britain, which had a powerful Royal Navy; Spain, therefore, concentrated its resources on its Navy. When the French Revolution overthrew the Bourbons, a land war with France became a danger which the king tried to avoid. The Spanish Army was ill-prepared. The officer corps was selected primarily on the basis of royal…
  • Napoleone I Quick View
    • Napoleone I

    • Il prezzo originale era: €35,00.Il prezzo attuale è: €33,00.
    • In occasione del 250° Anniversario della nascita di Napoleone I, abbiamo voluto commemorare l’avvenimento presentando le più gloriose tra le campagne militari dell’Impero, quelle del 1805 e del 1806- 1807, attraverso le parole stesse dell’Imperatore: dai leggendari Bollettini della Grande Armée ai proclami, alle lettere sia quelle ufficiali indirizzate al Senato francese ed ai sovrani nemici ed alleati, sia quelle private dirette a Giuseppina, che ci danno un quadro più intimo e personale di Napoleone in guerra; documenti spesso difficilmente reperibili…
  • Austrian army during the napoleonic wars 1813-1818 Quick View
    • Austrian army during the napoleonic wars 1813-1818

    • Il prezzo originale era: €32,00.Il prezzo attuale è: €30,00.
    • The Imperial and Royal or Imperial Austrian Army (German: Kaiserlich-königliche Armee, abbreviation "K.K. Armee") was the armed force of the Holy Roman Empire under its last monarch, the Habsburg Emperor Francis II, although in reality, it was nearly all composed of the Habsburg army. When the Holy Roman Empire was dissolved in 1806, it assumed its title of the Army of the Austrian Empire under the same monarch, now known as Emperor Francis I of Austria. The ancient name of…
  • Polish soldiers during the Napoleonic wars Quick View
    • Polish soldiers during the Napoleonic wars

    • Il prezzo originale era: €32,00.Il prezzo attuale è: €30,00.
    • Army of the Duchy of Warsaw refers to the military forces of the Duchy of Warsaw. The Army was significantly based on the Polish Legions; it numbered about 30,000 and was expanded during wartime to almost 100,000. It was composed of infantry with a strong cavalry force supported by artillery. The Napoleonic customs and traditions resulted in some social tensions, but are generally credited with helpful modernization and useful reforms. Overall, the Polish units were reckoned by the French to…
  • Uniforms of European armies during the Batavian revolution Quick View
    • Uniforms of European armies during the Batavian revolution

    • Il prezzo originale era: €39,00.Il prezzo attuale è: €35,00.
    • HISTORICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE CLOTHING AND ARMS OF THE SOLDIERS OF THE BATAVIAN REVOLUTION Soldiershop presents in this book two rare and fine collections of Dutch military print. The first series was realized by S.G. Casten, and it is dedicated to the uniforms and weapons during the Batavian Revolution, from 1787 to 1795. The second small collection is a beautiful work by the great Dutch draughtsman, painter and etcher Jan Hendrik Langendijk related to the soldiers of Batavian Republic in…
  • 14th Century German tournament knights Quick View
    • 14th Century German tournament knights

    • 29,00
    • This collection of medieval plates, dedicated to Saxon knights in tournament dress from the 14th century, was created in 1889 to celebrate the anniversary of the distinguished Wettin family. The House of Wettin is a dynasty of German counts, dukes, prince-electors and kings that once ruled territories in the present-day German states of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. The book dates back to 1889 and was printed by Wilhelm Hoffmann of Dresden in a very limited edition of 52 x 38…
  • Nuremberg tournaments 1446-1561 Quick View
    • Nuremberg tournaments 1446-1561

    • 39,00
    • The Manuscript of Nuremberg Tournaments and parades 1446-1561 This German Turnierbuch manuscript is composed of 112 sheet includes depictions of contestants equipped for various tournaments; a renaissance parade preceding a late form of tournament called a carrousel; This album represent specifically the participants in tournaments known as Gesellenstrechen, or bachelors’ jousts, held in Nuremberg (Germany) between 1446 and 1561; We find also depictions of pageant sleighs, some of which were used in a parade held in the winter of 1640–41.…
  • Heidelberg Turnierbuch 1482 Quick View
    • Heidelberg Turnierbuch 1482

    • 25,00
    • This German manuscript Turnierbuch is a falsification of the “Heidelberg Tournament Book of the Jost Pirckhammer of 1486” realized in 1886. Today it is preserved in Heidelberg University Library. Always and in any time, people were fascinated by the Middle Ages. And as always, writings and other legacies from the Middle Ages were an expensive and coveted commodity. And where there was a need for rare originals, there were always a “creative contemporaries” who were able to recreate old originals... In appendix…
  • Medieval Knight 1100-1476 Quick View
    • Medieval Knight 1100-1476

    • 35,00
    • This book devoted to the medieval uniforms uses the presence of several marvelous tables realized by the Italian artists Giovanni Garuti and Mario Nadir Durand. Every table are equipped by a rich text that well describes the history of the character and illustrates his uniform. There are also present a lot of tables with adding heraldic shields of the various factions and noble families. The thematic of the subjects includes noble Italian families, Crusade order as the Hospitallers and the…
  • Le Vivandiere: umili eroine che la storia ha dimenticato Quick View
    • Le Vivandiere: umili eroine che la storia ha dimenticato

    • 29,00
    • A partire dalla Guerra dei Trent'anni, tutti i governi trovarono conveniente accreditare e formalizzare quell'erogazione periferica dei servizi di vettovagliamento e lavanderia che, da sempre, le donne avevano, comunque, esercitato, a favore delle truppe. Progressivamente si configurarono le figure della Vivandiera, addetta all'integrazione della razione alimentare di base, e la Lavandaia, addetta all'igienizzazione dell'abbigliamento. Dipendenti civili salariate, erano tuttavia militarizzate, vale a dire sottoposte al regolamento di disciplina militare. Non potevano essere costrette a combattere ma potevano essere armate per…
  • L’esercito della Repubblica di Venezia dal 1684 al 1796 – Vol. 2 Le uniformi Quick View
    • L’esercito della Repubblica di Venezia dal 1684 al 1796 – Vol. 2 Le uniformi

    • 29,00
    • Con la presente opera gli autori desiderano proporre una ricostruzione delle vicende dell'esercito della Repubblica di Venezia negli ultimi cento anni della sua esistenza, periodo ricco di eventi che videro la Repubblica di San Marco, stremata dalla guerra di Candia (Creta), conclusasi disastrosamente nel 1669 con la cessione di quasi tutta l'isola ai turchi, recuperare vasti territori in Levante (la Grecia peninsulare congiunta al continente per messo dell'istmo di Corinto, detta "Morea", o più classicamente "Peloponneso"), e in Dalmazia (il…
  • L’esercito della Repubblica di Venezia dal 1684 al 1796 – Vol. 1 Quick View
    • L’esercito della Repubblica di Venezia dal 1684 al 1796 – Vol. 1

    • 39,00
    • La Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia, cuore pulsante di tutto lo Stato che la città lagunare ebbe a costruire attorno a sé e sul quale impose il suo dominio non ebbe mai l’intenzione di organizzarsi per sottomettere alla propria sovranità più territori (italiani e non) di quanti le potessero servire per la protezione delle sue basi navali da attacchi terrestri e operava per impedire che altri potessero in qualunque modo stabilirne di simili onde poter minacciare le sue rotte commerciali, i…
  • Uniforms of the Swiss in the XIII-XX Cent. Quick View
    • Uniforms of the Swiss in the XIII-XX Cent.

    • 29,00
    • This book on Swiss military uniforms and costumes between the 13th century and the mid-20th century is based on an original in our possession which was published for the Swiss Federal Comrades' Day in Aarau in 1924. We have restored and improved the 57 plates covering seven centuries of Swiss history. By Rudolf Munger, 68 pages English text Buy this book on Amazon.com Compra questo libro su Amazon.it
  • Le Amazzoni – Fuori dal mito Quick View
    • Le Amazzoni – Fuori dal mito

    • Il prezzo originale era: €29,00.Il prezzo attuale è: €27,00.
    • I greci del periodo classico, tra il VI ed il IV secolo a.C., ci hanno lasciato in eredità un volume enorme di opere letterarie e manufatti artistici che, a loro dire, avrebbero celebrato una epopea vittoriosa di guerre contro un popolo di donne guerriere, le amazzoni. Dopo tanti secoli quasi nessuno ci credeva più, ma le ricerche archeologiche e paleoantropologiche più recenti hanno evidenziato l’incredibile. Nel passato sono realmente esistite, proprio dove gli antichi greci ubicavano le amazzoni, delle popolazioni…
  • Uniforms of Swiss Regiments in foreign service Quick View
    • Uniforms of Swiss Regiments in foreign service

    • 29,00
    • The art of Albert Von Escher Albert von Escher (born on 20-05-1833 and died on 16-05-1905), was a captain in the Swiss army, but he became well known as an artist thanks to his numerous watercolours with military motifs from the 17th to 19th centuries. Most of his original works in the uniforms of cantonal and Swiss troops, many of which were also in foreign service, were purchased by the Swiss Federal Council for the General Staff Library and have since…
  • Uniforms of Swiss Regiments in Italian service Quick View
    • Uniforms of Swiss Regiments in Italian service

    • 29,00
    • The art of Albert Von Escher Albert von Escher (born on 20-05-1833 and died on 16-05-1905), was a captain in the Swiss army, but he became well known as an artist thanks to his numerous watercolours with military motifs from the 17th to 19th centuries. Most of his original works in the uniforms of cantonal and Swiss troops, many of which were also in foreign service, were purchased by the Swiss Federal Council for the General Staff Library and have since…
  • Uniforms of Swiss Regiments in French service Quick View
    • Uniforms of Swiss Regiments in French service

    • 29,00
    • The art of Albert Von Escher Albert von Escher (born on 20-05-1833 and died on 16-05-1905), was a captain in the Swiss army, but he became well known as an artist thanks to his numerous watercolours with military motifs from the 17th to 19th centuries. Most of his original works in the uniforms of cantonal and Swiss troops, many of which were also in foreign service, were purchased by the Swiss Federal Council for the General Staff Library and have since…
  • The uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 – Vol. 5 Quick View
    • The uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 – Vol. 5

    • 29,00
    • Uniformi dell'esercito francese (1690-1894) Volume V • 5.1 Guardia nazionale – Guardia d’onore – Zappatori e pompieri • 5.2 Truppe alleate - Baviera • 5.3 Truppe alleate - Württemberg • 5.4 Truppe alleate - Francoforte sul Meno • 5.5 Truppe alleate - Baden • 5.6 Truppe alleate - Assia e Assia • 5.7 Truppe alleate - Nassau - Vestfalia • 5.8 Truppe alleate - Würzburg - Sassonia • 5.9 Truppe alleate - Gotha - Coburgo - Weimar - Lippe •…
  • The uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 – Vol. 4 Quick View
    • The uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 – Vol. 4

    • 29,00
    • Uniformi dell'esercito francese (1690-1894) Volume IV • 4.1 Artiglieria • 4.2 Genio • 4.3 Treno dell'equipaggio • 4.4 Corpo della “Remonte” • 4.5 Commissari di guerra - Ispettori - Intendenti • 4.6 Corpo sanitario • 4.7 Amministrazione • 4.8 Soldati invalidi, riformati e veterani • 4.9 Scuole militari • 4.10 Truppe leggere e straniere • 4.11 Gendarmeria • 4.12 Guardia di Parigi • 4.13 Truppe di marina e coloniali • 4.14 Truppe indigene Di Luca Stefano Cristini, tavole di Lienhart…
  • The uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 – Vol. 3 Quick View
    • The uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 – Vol. 3

    • 29,00
    • Uniformi dell'esercito francese (1690-1894) Volume III • 3.1 Fanteria • 3.2 Cacciatori a piedi e fanteria leggera • 3.3 truppe d’Africa Di Luca Stefano Cristini, tavole di Lienhart e Humbert, 88 pagine In inglese Buy this book on Amazon.com Compra questo libro su Amazon.it
  • The uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 – Vol. 2 Quick View
    • The uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 – Vol. 2

    • 29,00
    • Uniformi dell'esercito francese (1690-1894) Volume II • 2.1 Cavalleria • 2.2 Carabinieri • 2.3 Corazzieri • 2.4 Dragoni • 2.5 Cavalleggeri e Lancieri • 2.6 Cacciatori a cavallo • 2.7 Ussari Di Luca Stefano Cristini, tavole di Lienhart e Humbert, 88 pagine In inglese Buy this book on Amazon.com Compra questo libro su Amazon.it
  • The uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 – Vol. 1 Quick View
    • The uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 – Vol. 1

    • 29,00
    • Uniformi dell'esercito francese (1690-1894) Volume I • 1.1 Stato maggiore generale • 1.2 Maison du Roi • 1.3 Guardie della Convenzione, del Direttorio e del Consolato • 1.4 Guardia Imperiale Napoleone I • 1.5 Guardia reale • 1.6 Guardia imperiale Napoleone III • 1.7 Gendarmeria Di Luca Stefano Cristini, tavole di Lienhart e Humbert, 92 pagine In inglese Buy this book on Amazon.com Compra questo libro su Amazon.it
  • Uniforms of French armies 1750-1870 – Vol. 3 Quick View
    • Uniforms of French armies 1750-1870 – Vol. 3

    • 29,00
    • In this book are present the development and complexity of France's uniforms, from the Louis XV era just to Second Empire of Napoleon III. All the subjets are seen through the eyes of Jacques Marie Gaston Onfroy de Bréville, well known by the pen name Job after his initials (1858-1931), a great French artist. The serie is published on 3 volumes that include about 200 and more wonderful original illustrations of uniforms from the 18th century to Napoleonic era and…