PDF – Houses & Churches, Windmills, Castles & more
- €18,00
- DOWNLOAD PDF - Houses & Churches, Windmills, Castles & more In this new Paper, Battles & Dioramas book we are going to focus on setting up battlefields, providing dozens of buildings, tents, trees, etc. from different historical periods, from ancient Greece, through the Middle Ages, to the 19th century. You can, with your imagination, indulge in all sorts of ways! For example, with Swiss-Burgundy medieval towers, you could make a Renaissance castle also, or use them in the Crusade wars.…
PDF – Play the Norman & Saxon wars
- €18,00
- DOWNLOAD PDF – Play the Norman & Saxon wars The most famous Norman Conquest, as the military conquest of England by William, duke of Normandy. The conquest was the final act of a complicated history that had begun years earlier, in the reign of Edward the Confessor, last king of the Anglo-Saxon royal line. After the decisive Hasting battle, for all the world, duke of Normandy became William the Conqueror. Now with our book you can play wargame with a…
PDF – Play the Crusade wars in the Holy Land
- €18,00
- DOWNLOAD PDF – Play the Crusade wars in the Holy Land The Crusades were a series of religious wars between Christians and Muslims, started primarily to secure control of holy sites considered sacred by both groups. In all, eight major Crusade expeditions occurred between 1096 and 1291. The bloody, violent and often ruthless conflicts propelled the status of European Christians, making them major players in the fight for land in the Middle East. Now, with our book, you may play wargame…
PDF – Play the Napoleonic wars – The Prussian army
- €18,00
- DOWNLOAD PDF – Play the Napoleonic wars – The Prussian army At Waterloo the Prussians had 38,000 infantry in 62 battalions, 7,000 cavalrymen in 61 squadrons and 134 guns. A total of 50,000 men arriving in different times on the battlefield. The troops were led by seasoned officers from the rank of captain up began their military service before 1806, yet the average age of the corps and divisional commanders —45— was the same as in Napoleon's and Wellington's... In this…
PDF – Play the Napoleonic wars – The French army 2
- €18,00
- DOWNLOAD PDF – Play the Napoleonic wars – The French army 2 Sotto Napoleone I, l'esercito francese conquistò la maggior parte dell'Europa durante le guerre napoleoniche. Migliorando nuovamente la professionalità delle forze rivoluzionarie e usando colonne d'attacco con supporto di artiglieria pesante e truppe di cavalleria all'inseguimento, l'esercito francese sotto Napoleone e i suoi marescialli fu in grado di superare in manovra e distruggere gli eserciti alleati ripetutamente fino al 1812. Napoleone introdusse il concetto di corpi d'armata, ognuno dei quali…
PDF – Play the sky battle of WW1 1914-18 – Gioca a Wargame sui cieli della Grande Guerra 1914-18
- €18,00
- DOWNLOAD PDF - Play the sky battle of WW1 1914-18 - Gioca a Wargame sui cieli della Grande Guerra 1914-18 50 pages full color, English & Italian text. They include: • 24 sheets • PDF format • Many new figures to play with • Much more Nei cieli del mondo devastato dalla Prima Guerra Mondiale, giovani aquile si battono con spirito cavalleresco. Sotto di loro si consuma la grande guerra in fredde e terribili trincee combattuta dagli imperi centrali e…
PDF – Play the Lunar Surface warfare 1960
- €18,00
- DOWNLOAD PDF - Play the Lunar Surface warfare 1960 52 pages full color, English & Italian text. They include: • 24 sheets • PDF format • Many new figures to play with • Much more This short book on Lunar Surface Warfare in the 1960s, presents a set of wargaming rules for combat between Soviet Cosmonauts and United States Army and Airforce Soldier-Astronauts. It is based on early popular science, and military studies conducted in the 1950s, and 1960s that looked at…
PDF – Play the Napoleonic wars – The French army 1 (The Imperial Guard)
- €18,00
- DOWNLOAD PDF - Play the Napoleonic wars – The French army 1 (The Imperial Guard) 52 pages full color, English & Italian text. They include: • 24 sheets • PDF format • Many new figures to play with • Much more Under Napoleon I, the French Army conquered most of Europe during the Napoleonic Wars. Professionalising again from the Revolutionary forces and using columns of attack with heavy artillery support and swarms of pursuit cavalry the French army under Napoleon and…
PDF – Play the Napoleonic wars – The British army – Gioca a Wargame alle guerre napoleoniche – L’esercito inglese
- €18,00
- DOWNLOAD PDF Play the Napoleonic wars – The British army – Gioca a Wargame alle guerre napoleoniche – L’esercito inglese 50 pages full color, English & Italian text. They include: • 24 sheets • PDF format • Many new figures to play with • Much more L’esercito britannico durante le guerre napoleoniche visse un periodo di rapidi cambiamenti. All’inizio delle Guerre Rivoluzionarie Francesi nel 1793, l’esercito era una piccola forza di appena 40.000 uomini amministrata maldestramente. Alla fine del periodo, i…
PDF – Play the sky battle of WW1 1914-18 – Gioca a Wargame sui cieli della Grande Guerra 1914-18
- €18,00
- DOWNLOAD PDF Play the sky battle of WW1 1914-18 – Gioca a Wargame sui cieli della Grande Guerra 1914-18 50 pages full color, English & Italian text. They include: • 24 sheets • PDF format • Many new figures to play with • Much more Nei cieli del mondo devastato dalla Prima Guerra Mondiale, giovani aquile si battono con spirito cavalleresco. Sotto di loro si consuma la grande guerra in fredde e terribili trincee combattuta dagli imperi centrali e dagli alleati…
PDF – Play the Arab conquest wars 633 AD – Gioca a Wargame alle guerre fra arabi, bizantini e sassanidi
- €18,00
- DOWNLOAD PDF Play the Arab conquest wars 633 AD – Gioca a Wargame alle guerre fra arabi, bizantini e sassanidi 50 pages full color, English & Italian text. They include: • 24 sheets • PDF format • Many new figures to play with • Much more L’inizio della grande conquista araba dal 633 d.C. Gioca a wargame le campagne combattute in Medio Oriente al tempo della conquista araba dopo la morte del profeta islamico Maometto nel 7° secolo. Le prime…
PDF – Play the Ancient Greek war – Gioca a Wargame alle guerre degli antichi Greci
- €18,00
- DOWNLOAD PDF Play the Ancient Greek war – Gioca a Wargame alle guerre degli antichi Greci 50 pages full color, English & Italian text. They include: • 24 sheets • PDF format • Many new figures to play with • Much more Dalla guerra di Troia, ai conflitti persiani fino alla conquista macedone, attraverso grandi battaglie da Maratona a Issus. Culla della civiltà occidentale, le fondamenta del pensiero moderno sono state poste nell’antica Grecia, ma anche battaglie sanguinose e guerre…
PDF – Play the naval battle of Tsushima 1905 – Gioca a Wargame alla battaglia di Tsushima 1905
- €18,00
- DOWNLOAD PDF Play the naval battle of Tsushima 1905 – Gioca a Wargame alla battaglia di Tsushima 1905 50 pages full color, English & Italian text. They include: • 24 sheets • PDF format • Many new figures to play with • Much more La battaglia di Tsushima combattuta il 27-28 maggio 1905 fu la più importante battaglia navale combattuta tra Russia e Giappone durante la guerra russo-giapponese. Fu la prima battaglia navale decisiva della storia della marina combattuta dalle…
PDF – Play the naval battle of Lepanto 1571 – Gioca a Wargame alla battaglia di Lepanto 1571
- €18,00
- DOWNLOAD PDF Play the naval battle of Lepanto 1571 – Gioca a Wargame alla battaglia di Lepanto 1571 50 pages full color, English & Italian text. They include: • 24 sheets • PDF format • Many new figures to play with • Much more La più grande battaglia navale combattuta nel Mediterraneo negli ultimi duemila anni, una clamorosa vittoria per la flotta della Lega Santa che ha unito Venezia, la Spagna e il Papa contro il nemico ottomano. Una battaglia…
PDF – Play the Seven Years’ War 1756-1763 – Vol. 2
- €18,00
- DOWNLOAD PDF Play the Seven Years’ War 1756-1763 – Vol. 2 50 pages full color, English & Italian text. They include: • 24 sheets • PDF format • Many new figures to play with • Much more La Guerra dei Sette Anni (1756-1763) fu un conflitto globale che abbracciava i cinque continenti, scatenando quella che Winston Churchill chiamò più tardi “la prima guerra mondiale”. Mentre i francesi, gli inglesi e gli spagnoli combattevano per le colonie del Nuovo Mondo, Federico…
PDF – Play the Seven Years’ War 1756-1763 – Vol. 1
- €18,00
- DOWNLOAD PDF Play the Seven Years’ War 1756-1763 – Vol. 1 50 pages full color, English & Italian text. They include: • 24 sheets • PDF format • Many new figures to play with • Much more La Guerra dei Sette Anni (1756-1763) fu un conflitto globale che abbracciava i cinque continenti, scatenando quella che Winston Churchill chiamò più tardi “la prima guerra mondiale”. Mentre i francesi, gli inglesi e gli spagnoli combattevano per le colonie del Nuovo Mondo, Federico…
PDF – Play the Franco-Prussian war 1870-1871 – Gioca a Wargame alla guerra del 1870
- €18,00
- DOWNLOAD PDF Play the Franco-Prussian war 1870-1871 50 pages full color, English & Italian text. They include: • 24 sheets • PDF format • Many new figures to play with • Much more The Franco-German War, also called the Franco-Prussian War (July 19, 1870 – Mayo 10, 1871) was a conflict in which a coalition of German states led by Prussia defeated France. The German troops advanced into France and decisively defeated the French at Sedan. This war violently changed…
PDF – Play the Landsknecht war 1500-1560
- €18,00
- DOWNLOAD PDF Play the Landsknecht war 1500-1560! 54 pages full color, English & Italian text. They include: • 24 sheets • PDF format • Many new figures to play with • Much more The battlefield behavior of these German soldiers was highly variable. Sometimes, as in the Battle of Pavia (1525), they performed exceptionally well, figthing to death on both sides of the conflict, even after their allies fled the field: this happened to the French when they employed the Landsknechts.…
PDF – Play the Italian wars of Independence
- €18,00
- DOWNLOAD PDF Play the Italian wars of Independence! 52 pages full color, English & Italian text. They include: • 29 sheets • PDF format • Many new figures to play with • Much more Play the Risorgimento wars with this wonderful book that contains 29 complete and detailed sheets of toy soldiers to be cut out for wargame or collecting! You will find armies from Austria, France, Piedmont, pre-unification kingdoms such as Bourbons and Pontiffs, Garibaldi and various patriots… All in…
PDF – Play the Burgundian Wars 1474-1477
- €18,00
- DOWNLOAD PDF Play the Burgundian Wars 1474-1477! 52 pages full color, English & Italian text. They include: • 29 sheets • PDF format • Many new figures to play with • Much more By Luca Stefano Cristini and Gianpaolo Bistulfi, 54 pages Text in English and Italian (testo in italiano e in inglese)
PDF – Play the Thirty years war 1618-1648
- €18,00
- DOWNLOAD PDF Play the Thirty years war 1618-1648! 54 pages full color, English & Italian text. They include: • 29 sheets • PDF format • Many new figures to play with • Much more The two wars fought in Europe in the early part of the 17th century were among the most destructive conflicts in human history! The Thirty Years War, fought between 1618 and 1648, began as a struggle between Catholics and Protestants within the Holy Roman Empire. It ended…
Play the Thirty years war 1618-1648 & ECW – 24 adding sheets (PDF download)
- €18,00
- DOWNLOAD PDF Enlarge your army with this new series to add-on your Play the Thiry years war 1618-1648 & ECW! 52 pages full color, English & Italian text. They include: • 24 sheets • PDF format • Many new figures to play with • Much more The two wars fought in Europe in the early part of the 17th century were among the most destructive conflicts in human history! The Thirty Years War, fought between 1618 and 1648, began as…
Play the Thirty years war 1618-1648: ADD-ON cavalry sheet 2
- €9,00
- Enlarge your army with this new cavalry series to add-on your Play the Thiry years war 1618-1648! • 6 sheets • PDF format • Many new figures to play with • Much more
Play the Thirty years war 1618-1648: ADD-ON cavalry sheet 1
- €9,00
- Enlarge your army with this new cavalry series to add-on your Play the Thiry years war 1618-1648! • 6 sheets • PDF format • Many new figures to play with • Much more
PDF Paper Soldiers by Simone Crivelli – The Italian army 1859-1911
- €14,90
- THE ITALIAN ARMY 1859-1911 ...and some of their enemies in the splendid plates by the Veronese artist Simone Crivelli, revised and improved for this new edition. By Simone Crivelli, 52 pages English & Italian text