Volumi 1 - 10 su 78. Volumi per pagina
  • 18th Century Janissary, artillery and sappers – Vol. II Quick View
    • 18th Century Janissary, artillery and sappers – Vol. II

    • 29,00
    • Following from Volume I on uniforms, badges and rank insignia for 18th Century Turkish and other European Janissary, Volume II looks at Janissary organization and tactics used in battle by the Turkish Kapikulu Ocaklari [Kapikulu Akerleri]: Standing Army, from the later 18th Century to the Napoleonic era, and the traditional Artillery, Miners and Transport Troops, that had a direct relationship in terms of entrenchment battle tactics used at the time. This volume covers Janissary organization, weapons and equipment; encampments, entrenched…
  • 18th Century Turkish and other European Janissary – Vol. 1 Quick View
    • 18th Century Turkish and other European Janissary – Vol. 1

    • 29,00
    • This book looks at the ranks, badges and uniforms worn by Turkish, and other European Janissary in the 18th Century. The follow-on Volume II of this book looks at Janissary organization and battle tactics of the Turkish Kapikulu Ocaklari [Kapikulu Akerleri]: Standing Army, from the later 18th Century to the Napoleonic era. Volume II also covers traditional Artillery, Miners and Transport Troops, who had a direct relationship in terms of the entrenchment battle tactics used at the time by the…
  • L’esercito del Regno Italico 1805-1814 Quick View
    • L’esercito del Regno Italico 1805-1814

    • 59,00
    • Questo libro si occupa del decennio di vita del Regno Italico. Sono qui analizzate, descritte e illustrate le sue forze armate: dalla fanteria alla cavalleria, dall’artiglieria a tutti gli altri corpi armati dello stato; i soldati della Guardia reale, della linea, dei corpi volontari e altri. Studiato il costume militare del soldato italiano vestito a imitazione di quello francese, ma con alcune curiose varianti. In appendice ad ogni volume sono narrati anche i principali fatti d’arme che videro coinvolti gli…
  • The Army of the Kingdom of Italy  1805-1814 Quick View
    • The Army of the Kingdom of Italy 1805-1814

    • 59,00
    • This book deals with the decade of life of the Kingdom of Italy. Its armed forces are analyzed, described and illustrated here: from infantry to cavalry, from artillery to all the other armed corps of the state; the soldiers of the Royal Guard, of the line, of the volunteer corps and others. Studied is the military costume of the Italian soldier dressed in imitation of the French one, but with some curious variations. The appendix to each volume also narrates…
  • L’esercito romano da Romolo a re Artù Quick View
    • L’esercito romano da Romolo a re Artù

    • 59,00
    • In questo libro gli autori raccontano e illustrano l’incredibile avventura che portò un villaggio di pastori a diventare la più grande potenza militare che il mondo antico abbia mai conosciuto. La storia delle legioni romane e la descrizione delle tattiche e delle battaglie sono accompagnate da numerose immagini e da decine di splendide tavole a colori. Per la prima volta riunito un nostro lavoro pubblicato oltre dodici anni fa, al quale sono state aggiunte tantissime nuove immagini dei soldati di…
  • The Roman Army from Romulus to king Arthur Quick View
    • The Roman Army from Romulus to king Arthur

    • 59,00
    • In this book, the authors recount and illustrate the incredible adventure that led a village of shepherds to become the greatest military power the ancient world has ever known.  The story of the Roman legions and descriptions of tactics and battles are accompanied by numerous pictures and dozens of stunning color plates. Bringing together for the first time a work of ours published over twelve years ago, to which many new images of Rome’s soldiers have been added. A book…
  • Late 18th Century Turkish Cavalry Quick View
    • Late 18th Century Turkish Cavalry

    • 29,00
    • A hallmark of late 18th Century Turkish style of warfare was an initial attack by thousands of massed Cavalry as the main offensive force on the battlefield. Regarded as the best in Europe, and feared with some justification for their sword mastery and valor in battle, European tactics changed in the face of the Turkish Cavalry threat. The Kapikulu Ocaklari: Standing Army’s Cavalry consisted of Sultan’s Household Guard Regiments, Zirkhli: Cuirassier - Armoured Sipahi, Sipahi Light Cavalry or Lancers; Deli;…
  • Nizam-I Cedid: New order Army infantry & artillery 1792 till 1807 (Turkish Army) Quick View
    • Nizam-I Cedid: New order Army infantry & artillery 1792 till 1807 (Turkish Army)

    • 29,00
    • This book looks at uniforms, rank-system, and organization for a new type of Turkish Soldier, other than Janissary providing the main Soldier-type during the French Revolution, and Early Napoleonic Wars. Debut of the Levend Chiftlik Regiment in 1799, during the French siege of Acre, and in the British-Turkish campaign in Egypt to expel the French occupation, introduced the Nizam-i Cedid: New Order Army. Having its beginning as part of the reforms of Sultan Selim III (1789 till 1807), several Anatolian…
  • Il primo esercito di Maria Teresa – Vol. 2 Quick View
    • Il primo esercito di Maria Teresa – Vol. 2

    • 32,00
    • Maria Teresa d’Austria fu, con Federico il Grande, certamente una delle figure più importanti della storia europea. In questo lavoro parlerò, essenzialmente, solo del primissimo periodo in cui l’armata imperiale austriaca fu, in senso propriamente detto “teresiano”, cioè dal 1740 fino alla fine della “guerra degli Otto anni”, ovvero il 1748. Un aspetto particolarmente tragico di quel periodo fu che una donna, Maria Teresa, in origine certamente poco avvezza a tutto quando comprendeva l’attività bellica, fu costretta, da circostanze straordinarie,…
  • The first army of Maria Theresa – Vol. 2 Quick View
    • The first army of Maria Theresa – Vol. 2

    • 32,00
    • Maria Theresa of Austria was, with Frederick the Great, certainly one of the most important figures in European history. In this paper, I will essentially only discuss the very first period in which the Austrian imperial army was, in the proper sense, ‘Theresian’, i.e. from 1740 until the end of the ‘Eight Years’ War’, i.e. 1748. A particularly tragic aspect of that period was that a woman, Maria Theresa, originally certainly unaccustomed to anything when it came to the business…
  • Il primo esercito di Maria Teresa – Vol. 1 Quick View
    • Il primo esercito di Maria Teresa – Vol. 1

    • 32,00
    • Maria Teresa d’Austria fu, con Federico il Grande, certamente una delle figure più importanti della storia europea. In questo lavoro parlerò, essenzialmente, solo del primissimo periodo in cui l’armata imperiale austriaca fu, in senso propriamente detto “teresiano”, cioè dal 1740 fino alla fine della “guerra degli Otto anni”, ovvero il 1748. Un aspetto particolarmente tragico di quel periodo fu che una donna, Maria Teresa, in origine certamente poco avvezza a tutto quando comprendeva l’attività bellica, fu costretta, da circostanze straordinarie,…
  • The first army of Maria Theresa – Vol. 1 Quick View
    • The first army of Maria Theresa – Vol. 1

    • 32,00
    • Maria Theresa of Austria was, with Frederick the Great, certainly one of the most important figures in European history. In this paper, I will essentially only discuss the very first period in which the Austrian imperial army was, in the proper sense, ‘Theresian’, i.e. from 1740 until the end of the ‘Eight Years’ War’, i.e. 1748. A particularly tragic aspect of that period was that a woman, Maria Theresa, originally certainly unaccustomed to anything when it came to the business…
  • La guerra dei tredici anni 1454-1466 Quick View
    • La guerra dei tredici anni 1454-1466

    • 29,00
    • Fratelli cavalieri ed eserciti mercenari dell’Europa baltico-teutonica nel XV secolo La guerra dei tredici anni (in tedesco Dreizehnjähriger Krieg; in polacco Wojna trzynastoletnia), conosciuta anche col nome di guerra delle città, fu combattuta dal 1454 al 1466. Essa ebbe iniziò con una sollevazione delle città, borghi e castelli della Prussia e della nobiltà locale con lo scopo di ottenere l’indipendenza dai cavalieri teutonici. La costituenda Confederazione prussiana chiese aiuto al re della Polonia Casimiro IV , il quale in cambio…
  • Turkish army & navy 1826-1850 Quick View
    • Turkish army & navy 1826-1850

    • 32,00
    • This book looks at the development and organization of Turkish Army, Navy and Police uniforms from 1826 till the early 1850s. In 1826, use of Janissary as the main Soldier-type ended and new Soldiers were uniformed, organized, equipped and trained according to a European Model Army design. In 1826, following crushing of the Janissary Revolt, and their formal disbandment, the new Mansure Army, was formed under Abdul Mahmud II, 30th Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Reforms continued throughout the first…
  • La prima armata di Federico II di Prussia – Vol. 2 Quick View
    • La prima armata di Federico II di Prussia – Vol. 2

    • 32,00
    • Federico il Grande fu una delle figure più importanti della storia europea. Era, nel XVIII secolo, il monarca di uno stato tedesco, la Prussia, che aveva pochi vantaggi e tanti piccoli territori sparsi da est (Prussia orientale) ad ovest sul Reno (ducato di Kleve). La sua era una nazione relativamente piccola circondata da Francia, Austria, Svezia e Russia, tutte ostili agli interessi della Prussia.  Questi due volumi parlano degli inizi del regno di Federico II e dello sviluppo da lui…
  • The first army of Frederick II of Prussia – Vol. 2 Quick View
    • The first army of Frederick II of Prussia – Vol. 2

    • 32,00
    • Frederick the Great was one of the most important figures in European history. He was, in the 18th century, the monarch of a German state, Prussia, which had few advantages and many small territories scattered from the east (East Prussia) to the west on the Rhine (Duchy of Kleve). His was a relatively small nation surrounded by France, Austria, Sweden and Russia, all hostile to Prussian interests.  These two volumes discuss the beginnings of Frederick II's reign and the development…
  • La prima armata di Federico II di Prussia – Vol. 1 Quick View
    • La prima armata di Federico II di Prussia – Vol. 1

    • 32,00
    • Federico il Grande fu una delle figure più importanti della storia europea. Era, nel XVIII secolo, il monarca di uno stato tedesco, la Prussia, che aveva pochi vantaggi e tanti piccoli territori sparsi da est (Prussia orientale) ad ovest sul Reno (ducato di Kleve). La sua era una nazione relativamente piccola circondata da Francia, Austria, Svezia e Russia, tutte ostili agli interessi della Prussia.  Questi due volumi parlano degli inizi del regno di Federico II e dello sviluppo da lui…
  • The first army of Frederick II of Prussia – Vol. 1 Quick View
    • The first army of Frederick II of Prussia – Vol. 1

    • 32,00
    • Frederick the Great was one of the most important figures in European history. He was, in the 18th century, the monarch of a German state, Prussia, which had few advantages and many small territories scattered from the east (East Prussia) to the west on the Rhine (Duchy of Kleve). His was a relatively small nation surrounded by France, Austria, Sweden and Russia, all hostile to Prussian interests.  These two volumes discuss the beginnings of Frederick II's reign and the development…
  • Turkish Army & Navy 1861-1876 Quick View
    • Turkish Army & Navy 1861-1876

    • 29,00
    • This book looks at the Turkish Army and Navy during the Era of Sultan Abdulaziz, the 32nd Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, who reigned between 25 June 1861 and 30 May 1876. The Army and Navy changed its appearance substantially, from the Crimean War Period. The most notable of the 1861 Era changes was the adoption of a standardized system for rank identification than had existed previously. Based on using an arrangement of gold or silver chevrons placed abouve the…
  • Turkish army Crimean war uniforms – Volume 2 Quick View
    • Turkish army Crimean war uniforms – Volume 2

    • 29,00
    • Volume 1: Turkish Army uniforms in the Crimean War Period, and Volume 2, which covers the Turkish Navy, the Contingents, Additional Cavalry Units and the Romanian Army, both acknowledge as its key source of information, the research by Charles A. Norman, a well-known British military artist and researcher. Norman’s work transliterated original observations, illustrations and notes made by two Crimean War Commentators: Joseph-Emile Vanson, and Constantin Guys. Constantin Guys was a reporter, and illustrator for The Illustrated London News, and…
  • Turkish army Crimean war uniforms – Volume 1 Quick View
    • Turkish army Crimean war uniforms – Volume 1

    • 29,00
    • Volume 1: Turkish Army uniforms in the Crimean War Period, and Volume 2, which covers the Turkish Navy, the Contingents, Additional Cavalry Units and the Romanian Army, both acknowledge as its key source of information, the research by Charles A. Norman, a well-known British military artist and researcher. Norman’s work transliterated original observations, illustrations and notes made by two Crimean War Commentators: Joseph-Emile Vanson, and Constantin Guys. Constantin Guys was a reporter, and illustrator for The Illustrated London News, and…
  • The shepherd protects their flock Quick View
    • The shepherd protects their flock

    • 29,00
    • Looking at warfare from the neolithic to sumerians This volume looks back into a huge expanse of time, identifying an historic juncture where feuding became warfare, that was fought by soldiers, during a long historical process called the crossing of the military threshold. This book examines the first tactics used in warfare, weapons and the transition from hunter-warriors to soldiers. Starting with the Neolithic, it then covers the Sumerians and the first micro-armies of soldiers. The process started during Late…
  • Il corpo di spedizione sardo in Crimea Quick View
    • Il corpo di spedizione sardo in Crimea

    • 29,00
    • L'assedio anglo-franco-ottomano di Sebastopoli, la base navale russa in Crimea, era in corso dall'ottobre 1854. Era iniziato con lo sbarco francese e britannico a Eupatoria il 14 settembre 1854. Il Corpo di Spedizione Sardo (entrato in guerra contro la Russia il 26 gennaio 1855), arrivò a Balaklava nel mese di maggio dello stesso anno. L'esercito del Regno di Sardegna-Piemonte era, per gli standard dell'epoca, considerato moderno e uno dei migliori d'Europa. Le truppe sarde avevano esperienza in battaglia, essendo state…
  • The Sardinian Expeditionary Corps Quick View
    • The Sardinian Expeditionary Corps

    • 29,00
    • The Anglo-French-Ottoman Siege of Sevastopol, the Russian Naval Base in the Crimean, had been underway since October 1854. It had begun with the French and British landing at Eupatoria on 14 September 1854. The late joining of the Sardinian Expeditionary Corps (entering the war against Russia, on 26 January, 1855), arrived at Balaklava over May. The army of the Regno di Sardegna-Piemonte: the Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont, was by the standards of the time, seen as modern, and one of the…
  • I soldati del Papa Quick View
    • I soldati del Papa

    • 25,00
    • L'Esercito Pontificio negli ultimi anni del Risorgimento Questo breve saggio sugli ultimi anni della storia dell’esercito del Papa, dal 1860 al 1870, si presenta in veste completamente rinnovata, con immagini inedite e un nuovo testo grazie alla collaborazione di Giancarlo Boeri e Paolo Giacomone Piana, le cui vaste raccolte e la profonda bibliografia hanno permesso di correggere molti errori e ingenuità derivanti dall’uso di fonti non sempre affidabili. Il principale supporto iconografico è costituito dai disegni eseguiti dal cav. Camillo…



Kyra Chronicles: Golden shadows over Brooklyn

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Kyra Chronicles: City of Ashes – Lazarus Awakening

Il prezzo originale era: €17,00.Il prezzo attuale è: €13,00.