Volumi 1 - 10 su 694. Volumi per pagina
  • Play the Thirty years war 1618-1648 & ECW – 24 adding sheets Quick View
    • Play the Thirty years war 1618-1648 & ECW – 24 adding sheets

    • 22,00
    • Enlarge your army with this new series to add-on your Play the Thiry years war 1618-1648 & ECW! 52 pages full color, English & Italian text. They include: • 24 sheets • PDF format • Many new figures to play with • Much more The two wars fought in Europe in the early part of the 17th century were among the most destructive conflicts in human history! The Thirty Years War, fought between 1618 and 1648, began as a struggle…
  • Play the Thirty Years’ War 1618-1648 Quick View
    • Play the Thirty Years’ War 1618-1648

    • 22,00
    • Project made possible by the great and beautiful collection of Gianpaolo Bistulfi, who in many years of modelling career has personally painted thousands of toy soldiers. Now these soldiers will be at your disposal to obtain, with little effort, entire armies of battalions of infantry, squadrons of cavalry, batteries of cannons, houses and buildings, trees and much more material needed to create the scenes of your battle. We also explain tricks and modes for a good assembly of the pieces,…
  • Paper Soldiers by Simone Crivelli – The Italian army 1859-1911 Quick View
    • Paper Soldiers by Simone Crivelli – The Italian army 1859-1911

    • 19,90
    • THE ITALIAN ARMY 1859-1911 ...and some of their enemies in the splendid plates by the Veronese artist Simone Crivelli, revised and improved for this new edition. By Simone Crivelli, 52 pages English & Italian text Buy this book on Amazon.com Compra questo libro su Amazon.it
  • Paper soldiers of Napoleonic campaign in Egypt Quick View
    • Paper soldiers of Napoleonic campaign in Egypt

    • 19,90
    • The Napoleonic campaign in Egypt and Syria (1798-1801) was fought in the Ottoman territories of Egypt and Syria, proclaimed to defend French trade interests, to establish scientific enterprise in the region and ultimately to drive away the British from the Indian subcontinent. It was the primary purpose of the Mediterranean campaign of 1798, a series of naval engagements that included the capture of Malta. The campaign ended in defeat for Napoleon, and the withdrawal of French troops from the region.…
  • Paper soldiers of drum majors Quick View
    • Paper soldiers of drum majors

    • 19,90
    • The charm of the major drums Passionate about this prestigious function and fascinated by these men who have gone to fight often, their prestigious stick for the only weapon. The author have collected a collection of documents and toy soldiers dedicated to these military proud, completed by a series of soldiers In paper that brings together some of the most beautiful images of higher drums from the end of the 18th century until the end of the 20th century. By…
  • Bersaglieri d’Italia 1940-1945 Quick View
    • Bersaglieri d’Italia 1940-1945

    • 19,90
    • One of the pillars of this spontaneous event is certainly Andrey Akimov, not only for the quality of his production but also for the variety and originality of his subjects, which we present here. In this first series 23 beautiful plates dedicated to Italian bersaglieri during the Second World War make a fine show. By Andrey Akimov, 50 pages Italian and English text Buy this book on Amazon.com Compra questo libro su Amazon.it
  • Paper Soldiers of French second empire Quick View
    • Paper Soldiers of French second empire

    • 19,90
    • The formidable war machine which Napoleon III’s army had become had already been through several campaigns in Europe, Asia, Africa and also in Mexico just to the last disaster of French-Prussian war and the defeat of Sedan. The men and the uniforms of Cent-Gardes, Guides, Cuirassiers, Hussars, Zouaves and more in the art of Jean-Benoît Pfeiffer. By Jean-Benoît Pfeiffer, 50 pages Text in English, Italian and French (testo in italiano, inglese e francese) Buy this book on Amazon.com Compra questo libro…
  • Paper soldiers of Napoleonic era – Vol. 3 Quick View
    • Paper soldiers of Napoleonic era – Vol. 3

    • 19,90
    • The napoleonic uniforms from The Vinkhuijzen collection The Napoleonic subjets present in our book come from a rare and unique collection of sheets assembled by H. J. Vinkhuijzen (1843-1910), a Dutch physician, lovers of military uniforms.  One of the Vinkhuijzen's most important collaborators was the Italian Quinto Cenni, whose work we have already published in the series Quaderni Cenni. By Luca Stefano Cristini, 50 pages Text in English and Italian (testo in italiano e in inglese) Buy this book on…
  • Paper soldiers of Napoleonic era – Vol. 2 Quick View
    • Paper soldiers of Napoleonic era – Vol. 2

    • 19,90
    • The napoleonic uniforms from The Vinkhuijzen collection The Napoleonic subjets present in our book come from a rare and unique collection of sheets assembled by H. J. Vinkhuijzen (1843-1910), a Dutch physician, lovers of military uniforms.  One of the Vinkhuijzen's most important collaborators was the Italian Quinto Cenni, whose work we have already published in the series Quaderni Cenni. By Luca Stefano Cristini, 52 pages Text in English and Italian (testo in italiano e in inglese) Buy this book on…
  • Paper soldiers of Napoleonic era – Vol. 1 Quick View
    • Paper soldiers of Napoleonic era – Vol. 1

    • 19,90
    • The napoleonic uniforms from The Vinkhuijzen collection The Napoleonic subjets present in our book come from a rare and unique collection of sheets assembled by H. J. Vinkhuijzen (1843-1910), a Dutch physician, lovers of military uniforms. One of the Vinkhuijzen's most important collaborators was the Italian Quinto Cenni, whose work we have already published in the series Quaderni Cenni. By Luca Stefano Cristini, 50 pages Text in English and Italian (testo in italiano e in inglese) Buy this book on…
  • Byzantine Army  AD 395-1453 Quick View
    • Byzantine Army AD 395-1453

    • 19,90
    • The Byzantine army, or Eastern Roman army, was a direct continuation of the Roman army, in fact it maintained a similar level of discipline, strategy power and organization. It had been among the most effective armies of western Eurasia for much of the Middle Ages. Our Paper Soldiers belong largely to a collection maintained by the NPL. Other sheets are the work of artists from our Soldiershop atelier. By Luca Stefano Cristini, 52 pages Text in English and Italian (testo…
  • Paper Soldiers by Guglielmo Aimaretti  – XVIII Century Quick View
    • Paper Soldiers by Guglielmo Aimaretti – XVIII Century

    • 19,90
    • Italian uniforms of XVIII century Guglielmo Aimaretti’s paper soldiers are truly a form of uniformology research, the author is in fact known for his illustrations in many of our books. In this first volume of the series, we present the paper soldiers of the 18th century, belonging in particular to the Savoyard army of the Kingdom of Sardinia. In the next volume with this author we will meet the Napoleonic subjects! By Guglielmo Aimaretti, 52 pages Text in English and…
  • Paper Soldiers by Carlo Pozzi – Vol. 2 Quick View
    • Paper Soldiers by Carlo Pozzi – Vol. 2

    • 19,90
    • Paper soldier - Soldatini di carta volume 2 The paper soldiers printings in this second volume cover the years from 1900 to the end of the WW2. It is based on Italian uniforms and colonial troops from 1919 to 1938. The book concludes with Italian and US air force subjects of WW2 with some last plates of Italian navy in 1960. In the first volume you can find soldiers from the XVII, XVIII and XIX century until the end of…
  • Paper Soldiers by Carlo Pozzi – Vol. 1 Quick View
    • Paper Soldiers by Carlo Pozzi – Vol. 1

    • 19,90
    • Paper soldier - Soldatini di carta volume 1 The paper soldiers printings in this first volume cover the years from 1650 to the end of the XIX century. In the second volume we will complete with tables from the XX century. The first infantries series from '600 and '700 is based on French and Italian subjects, but also English and Irish. You will also find an interesting and curious series regarding the French navy soldiers. Next are some sheets of…
  • Civil War sketch book – Vol. 4 Quick View
    • Civil War sketch book – Vol. 4

    • Il prezzo originale era: €29,00.Il prezzo attuale è: €27,00.
    • Alfred Waud was a British-born American illustrator whose lively and detailed sketches of scenes from the Civil War captured the war's dramatic intensity and furnished him with a reputation as one of the preeminent war-artist of his era. After presenting Metzner's and Forbes' jobs, this fourth volume is dedicated to one of the only two artist present at the Battle fo Gettysburg, and the only eyewitness of Pickett's Charge, in 96 pages full of illustrations, some of which have been…
  • Civil War sketch book – Vol. 3 Quick View
    • Civil War sketch book – Vol. 3

    • Il prezzo originale era: €29,00.Il prezzo attuale è: €27,00.
    • Imagine being a young landscape painter sent to the American Civil War, not to fight but to draw it: that's the story of Edwin Forbes, one of the best war artists of his time. In two years spent covering the Potomac Army, Forbes draw everything caught his attention with meticulous and fervent realism. In this volume the art of Forbes is developed around the great battle of Gettysburg! All this, and more, in now collected in this second volume dedicated…
  • Civil War sketch book – Vol. 2 Quick View
    • Civil War sketch book – Vol. 2

    • Il prezzo originale era: €29,00.Il prezzo attuale è: €27,00.
    • Imagine being a young landscape painter sent to the American Civil War, not to fight but to draw it: that's the story of Edwin Forbes, one of the best war artists of his time. In two years spent covering the Potomac Army, Forbes draw everything caught his attention with meticulous and fervent realism. From soldiers marching to bivouac moments and battlefields, his portraits made him win a gold medal at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, and they're now collected in…
  • Civil War sketch book – Vol. 1 Quick View
    • Civil War sketch book – Vol. 1

    • Il prezzo originale era: €29,00.Il prezzo attuale è: €27,00.
    • In this first book dedicated to our new series on ACW sketch books, we present the artwork of Captain Adolph Metzner of the 32nd Indiana Infantry of US Union Army. He was not only an officer but an artist as well. The 96 pages full of illustrations are a pictorial record of his Regiment. They show several and interesting subjects: soldiers on the march, in camp, in battle and also many ironic and funny skits. A great job that, combined with…
  • Kampfgruppe Scherer Quick View
    • Kampfgruppe Scherer

    • 29,00
    • L’eccezionale fatto d’armi del Kampfgruppe Scherer fu uno dei successi militari più noti della Wehrmacht durante la Seconda guerra mondiale. Con solo poche migliaia di uomini provenienti da ogni specialità, tra cui Gebirgsjäger, anziani riservisti, membri della Polizei, autieri della Kriegsmarine, Jagdkommando antipartigiani, personale tecnico della Luftwaffe e truppe della logistica e rifornimenti, al Generale Theodor Scherer fu ordinato di tenere la cruciale cittadina di Cholm di fronte alle superiori forze dell’Armata Rossa che l’avevano accerchiata nel gennaio 1942. Nei…
  • Grifoni sulla Russia Quick View
    • Grifoni sulla Russia

    • 29,00
    • Diario Di Guerra Di Un Navigatore Puntatore Della Luftwaffe - Georg Zirk era un tedesco che viveva in Polonia all’inizio della Seconda guerra mondiale. Le persecuzioni polacche che nel 1939 portarono alla morte di quattro familiari, lo spinsero ad entrare nella Luftwaffe, dove divenne navigatore-puntatore. Dal 1943 in azione sui bombardieri Heinkel He 111 con i Kampfgeschwader 55 “Greif” e Kampfgeschwader 4 “General Wever”, Zirk volò in 81 missioni di combattimento, di cui 65 notturne, sul fronte Orientale. Vide azione…
  • Storia dei Freikorps Quick View
    • Storia dei Freikorps

    • 32,00
    • In questo libro, lo storico francese Dominique Venner narra l'epopea dei Freikorps, i corpi franchi nati dalle ceneri dell'Esercito Imperiale nella Germania in preda al caos del novembre 1918. Questi volontari, pronti a tutto per mantenere in piedi il Reich vacillante e le sue frontiere minacciate a est ed ovest, di volta in volta cinicamente usati e rigettati dai politici della Repubblica di Weimar, repressero nel sangue le rivolte spartachiste e anarchiche a Berlino e Amburgo e abbatterono le "Repubbliche…
  • Narva 1944 Quick View
    • Narva 1944

    • 35,00
    • La storia della difesa dell'Estonia, dalla testa di ponte di Narva alla "Linea Tannenberg" da parte dei volontari europei SS danesi, norvegesi, fiamminghi ed estoni e delle unità tedesche del III (germanisches) SS-Panzerkorps - vero e proprio "Esercito Europeo" - contro l'irrompere verso ovest delle forze dell'Armata Rossa nel gennaio-settembre 1944. Battaglie, atti d'eroismo, vittorie e sconfitte dei contendenti sono ricostruite in un testo documentato ma scorrevole, basato su fonti ufficiali e resoconti di veterani, e integrati da 270 rare…
  • Bandiere nere Quick View
    • Bandiere nere

    • 25,00
    • In questo libro, edito nel 1929, Luigi Freddi, fascista della prima ora, squadrista, volontario fiumano, futurista, giornalista e inventore di Cinecittà, rievoca in presa diretta le origini del Fascismo, dall'assalto all'"Avanti!" a Milano il 15 aprile 1919 con Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Ferruccio Vecchi e Mario Chiesa alla fondazione dei Fasci italiani di combattimento il 23 marzo 1919 a piazza San Sepolcro e le lotte di strada degli Squadristi nel "Biennio Rosso", dallo squadrismo nel ferrarese e a Mantova, ai fatti…
  • Due volte con gli Arditi sul Piave Quick View
    • Due volte con gli Arditi sul Piave

    • 22,00
    • Nel 1938 il Generale Ottavio Zoppi dava alle stampe il suo libro "Due volte con gli Arditi sul Piave", lasciando così traccia scritta della sua esperienza quale Comandante della 1ª Divisione d'Assalto nelle due battaglie cruciali della fase finale della Prima Guerra Mondiale sul fronte italiano: la Battaglia del Solstizio del giugno 1918 e la Battaglia di Vittorio Veneto dell'ottobre 1918. I motivi che lo indussero a scrivere li spiega egli stesso nella premessa: non cronaca, non storia, ma racconto…
  • At the gates of Leningrad – Alle porte di Leningrado Quick View
    • At the gates of Leningrad – Alle porte di Leningrado

    • 29,00
    • The photographs in this book were taken by Feldwebel Georg Gundlach on behalf of the 291 Command. Infanterie-Division, to document the war operations in Russia, illustrate the fighting of the German Division, and in particular the infantry of Infanterie-Regiment 506, during operation Barbarossa through the Baltic States during the winter 1941-1942 and in the swamp and forests of Volchov, in the Leningrad sector. The photos, often taken in action, depict both the men and the means of the German units…