Uniforms of Russian army during the Napoleonic war – Vol. 1 The Infantry Fusiliers, Grenadiers and Musketeers
€29,00Il prezzo originale era: €29,00.€27,00Il prezzo attuale è: €27,00. - This volume is related to the Russian Army during the zar Paul I era, and are about infantry: fusiliers, grenadiers and muskeeter regiments. Compiled at Saint Petersburg during the year from 1837 and 1851, the Historical Description of the Clothing and Arms of the Russian Army has had an enormous impact and great importance for the study on the history of Russian costume and uniformology development over the past centuries. There are various ancient editions of the work but Mark Conrad's…
Spanish soldiers during the Napoleonic wars 1797-1808
- €29,00
- In the late 18th century, Bourbon-ruled Spain had an alliance with Bourbon-ruled France and therefore did not have to fear a land war. Its only serious enemy was Britain, which had a powerful Royal Navy; Spain, therefore, concentrated its resources on its Navy. When the French Revolution overthrew the Bourbons, a land war with France became a danger which the king tried to avoid. The Spanish Army was ill-prepared. The officer corps was selected primarily on the basis of royal…
Napoleone I
€35,00Il prezzo originale era: €35,00.€33,00Il prezzo attuale è: €33,00. - In occasione del 250° Anniversario della nascita di Napoleone I, abbiamo voluto commemorare l’avvenimento presentando le più gloriose tra le campagne militari dell’Impero, quelle del 1805 e del 1806- 1807, attraverso le parole stesse dell’Imperatore: dai leggendari Bollettini della Grande Armée ai proclami, alle lettere sia quelle ufficiali indirizzate al Senato francese ed ai sovrani nemici ed alleati, sia quelle private dirette a Giuseppina, che ci danno un quadro più intimo e personale di Napoleone in guerra; documenti spesso difficilmente reperibili…
Uniforms of French armies 1750-1870 – Vol. 3
- €29,00
- In this book are present the development and complexity of France's uniforms, from the Louis XV era just to Second Empire of Napoleon III. All the subjets are seen through the eyes of Jacques Marie Gaston Onfroy de Bréville, well known by the pen name Job after his initials (1858-1931), a great French artist. The serie is published on 3 volumes that include about 200 and more wonderful original illustrations of uniforms from the 18th century to Napoleonic era and…
Uniforms of French armies 1750-1870 – Vol. 2
- €29,00
- In this book are present the development and complexity of France's uniforms, from the Louis XV era just to Second Empire of Napoleon III. All the subjets are seen through the eyes of Jacques Marie Gaston Onfroy de Bréville, well known by the pen name Job after his initials (1858-1931), a great French artist. The serie is published on 3 volumes that include about 200 and more wonderful original illustrations of uniforms from the 18th century to Napoleonic era and…
Uniforms of French armies 1750-1870 – Vol. 1
- €29,00
- In this book are present the development and complexity of France's uniforms, from the Louis XV era just to Second Empire of Napoleon III. All the subjets are seen through the eyes of Jacques Marie Gaston Onfroy de Bréville, well known by the pen name Job after his initials (1858-1931), a great French artist. The serie is published on 3 volumes that include about 200 and more wonderful original illustrations of uniforms from the 18th century to Napoleonic era and…
L’esercito del Regno Italico 1806-14 – Vol. 2 La Cavalleria (REMAINDER)
- €12,00
- PICCOLI DIFETTI IN COPERTINA O PRIME EDIZIONI In questi tempi celebriamo i centocinquant'anni dell'unità d'Italia, avvenuta come noto il 17 marzo 1861. Processo avvenuto a termine di quel lungo percorso storico noto col nome di Risorgimento. Tuttavia un primo seme di italianità, e non solo nella denominazione, si ebbe con la nascita, nel 1805 del Regno Italico, stato a sua volta figlio delle repubbliche Cisalpina, Cispadana e altre fiorite a seguito della Rivoluzione francese. Quel ventennio napoleonico portò in Italia…
L’esercito del Regno Italico 1806-14 – Vol. 2 La Cavalleria
- €20,00
- In questi tempi celebriamo i centocinquant'anni dell'unità d'Italia, avvenuta come noto il 17 marzo 1861. Processo avvenuto a termine di quel lungo percorso storico noto col nome di Risorgimento. Tuttavia un primo seme di italianità, e non solo nella denominazione, si ebbe con la nascita, nel 1805 del Regno Italico, stato a sua volta figlio delle repubbliche Cisalpina, Cispadana e altre fiorite a seguito della Rivoluzione francese. Quel ventennio napoleonico portò in Italia gioie e dolori, fu un periodo complesso…
Quaderni Cenni – Raccolta Napoli (6 volumi)
- €199,00
- Sei volumi completi dedicati alle uniformi napoletane dal 700 all'unità.
Quaderni Cenni – 20 volumi
- €624,00
- La collezione completa dei Quaderni Cenni, formata da 20 volumi, dedicata alle uniformi italiane, dagli stati preunitari, ai soldati antichi, medievali e dei secoli di mezzo. Ed ancora, un volume sull'esercito messicano e uno su San Marino. Venti libri con uno sconto speciale del 20% e spese postali gratuite per ordini dall'Italia.
Quaderni Cenni – Raccolta stati preunitari (8 volumi)
- €269,00
- Otto volumi dedicati alle uniformi degli stati preunitari italiani (escludendo Napoli, a cui è dedicata una promozione aggiuntiva). Otto libri con uno sconto speciale del 15% e spese postali gratuite per ordini dall'Italia.
PDF Paper soldiers of Napoleonic era – Vol. 3
- €14,90
- The napoleonic uniforms from The Vinkhuijzen collection The Napoleonic subjets present in our book come from a rare and unique collection of sheets assembled by H. J. Vinkhuijzen (1843-1910), a Dutch physician, lovers of military uniforms. One of the Vinkhuijzen's most important collaborators was the Italian Quinto Cenni, whose work we have already published in the series Quaderni Cenni. By Luca Stefano Cristini, 50 pages Text in English and Italian (testo in italiano e in inglese)
Paper soldiers of Napoleonic era – Vol. 3
- €19,90
- The napoleonic uniforms from The Vinkhuijzen collection The Napoleonic subjets present in our book come from a rare and unique collection of sheets assembled by H. J. Vinkhuijzen (1843-1910), a Dutch physician, lovers of military uniforms. One of the Vinkhuijzen's most important collaborators was the Italian Quinto Cenni, whose work we have already published in the series Quaderni Cenni. By Luca Stefano Cristini, 50 pages Text in English and Italian (testo in italiano e in inglese) Buy this book on…
PDF Paper soldiers of Napoleonic era – Vol. 2
- €14,90
- The napoleonic uniforms from The Vinkhuijzen collection The Napoleonic subjets present in our book come from a rare and unique collection of sheets assembled by H. J. Vinkhuijzen (1843-1910), a Dutch physician, lovers of military uniforms. One of the Vinkhuijzen's most important collaborators was the Italian Quinto Cenni, whose work we have already published in the series Quaderni Cenni. By Luca Stefano Cristini, 52 pages Text in English and Italian (testo in italiano e in inglese)
Paper soldiers of Napoleonic era – Vol. 2
- €19,90
- The napoleonic uniforms from The Vinkhuijzen collection The Napoleonic subjets present in our book come from a rare and unique collection of sheets assembled by H. J. Vinkhuijzen (1843-1910), a Dutch physician, lovers of military uniforms. One of the Vinkhuijzen's most important collaborators was the Italian Quinto Cenni, whose work we have already published in the series Quaderni Cenni. By Luca Stefano Cristini, 52 pages Text in English and Italian (testo in italiano e in inglese) Buy this book on…
PDF Paper soldiers of Napoleonic era – Vol. 1
- €14,90
- The napoleonic uniforms from The Vinkhuijzen collection The Napoleonic subjets present in our book come from a rare and unique collection of sheets assembled by H. J. Vinkhuijzen (1843-1910), a Dutch physician, lovers of military uniforms. One of the Vinkhuijzen's most important collaborators was the Italian Quinto Cenni, whose work we have already published in the series Quaderni Cenni. By Luca Stefano Cristini, 50 pages Text in English and Italian (testo in italiano e in inglese)
Paper soldiers of Napoleonic era – Vol. 1
- €19,90
- The napoleonic uniforms from The Vinkhuijzen collection The Napoleonic subjets present in our book come from a rare and unique collection of sheets assembled by H. J. Vinkhuijzen (1843-1910), a Dutch physician, lovers of military uniforms. One of the Vinkhuijzen's most important collaborators was the Italian Quinto Cenni, whose work we have already published in the series Quaderni Cenni. By Luca Stefano Cristini, 50 pages Text in English and Italian (testo in italiano e in inglese) Buy this book on…
The 1799 campaign in Italy – Vol. 4 (PDF)
- €18,00
- PDF TO DOWNLOAD France loses the war in Italy The battle of Novi (15 August 1799) was the major French defeat in Italy that saw an Austro-Russian army under Marshal Suvorov defeat the combined French armies in Italy. At the start of the fighting in 1799 the French had dominated Italy, but after a series of defeats at Magnano, Cassano and the Trebbia they had been forced back to Genoa, where the armies of Generals Macdonald and Moreau were combined…
The 1799 campaign in Italy – Vol. 3 (PDF)
- €18,00
- PDF TO DOWNLOAD MacDonald’s offensive On 14 April 1799, the French Directory ordered MacDonald to help the French forces in northern Italy. Accordingly, he assembled the Army of Naples and moved north, leaving southern Italy in the hands of local forces. bringing its total field force to 36,728 soldiers. The various armies involved, from France, Austria and Russia after a long series of clashes and maneuvers will end up clashing in the great and decisive battle of the War of the…
PDF – Eylau 1807
- €19,00
- La battaglia di Preussisch-Eylau, combattuta in condizioni climatiche estreme, sotto bufere di neve e temperature di molto inferiori allo zero tra la Grande Armée e i russi di Benningsen l’8 febbraio 1807, è stata definita la più epica delle battaglie di Napoleone, quella che vide la carica di cavalleria più grande della storia, guidata da Murat alla testa di oltre diecimila cavalieri, ma anche la più controversa. Per la prima volta, dopo i trionfi di Ulm, Austerlitz e Jena, Napoleone…
I soldati di Napoleone (REMAINDER)
- €12,00
- Pittore, illustratore, disegnatore francese specializzato in soggetti militari. Louis Charles Bombled nasce a Chantilly nel 1862. Suo padre è il noto pittore olandese Karel Frederik Bombled. Inizia l’attività artistica sotto la guida dell’artista francese Luminir. Ha così la possibilità di crescere e divenire noto ed esporre al Salon des Artistes Français di Parigi, dove riceve una menzione onorevole nel 1885 ed una medaglia d’oro alla Esposizione universale di Parigi nel 1900 a consacrazione del suo raggiunto successo. Luca Cristini 80…
Uniforms of Russian army during the Napoleonic war – Vol. 8 The Infantry Grenadier’s regiments 1801-1825
- €8,99
- This volume is related to the Russian Army during the zar Alexander I era, and are about the Grenadier regiments in use from 1801 to 1825. Compiled at Saint Petersburg during the year from 1837 and 1851, the Historical Description of the Clothing and Arms of the Russian Army has had an enormous impact and great importance for the study on the history of Russian costume and uniformology development over the past centuries .There are various ancient editions of the…
Uniformi Napoleoniche (Francia e Italia)
- €6,99
- Uniformi Napoleoniche (Francia e Italia) Gli Italiani con napoleone sono il soggetto di questa bella raccolta di figurini dell’artista piemontese. Dedicati alle repubbliche figlie della rivoluzione, la nascita del tricolore, il Regno Italico ed anche il Regno di Napoli di Murat. In appendice, completano la trattazione alcuni interessanti reggimenti di cavalleria orientale al servizio dell’impero napoleonico. Disponibile nei formati ePub e PDF.
Napoleon: an illustrated life – Vol. 4
- €8,99
- This memoirs of Antoine de Bourrienne is a work that, for deep interest, excitement, and amusement, can scarcely be paralleled by any of the numerous and excellent memoirs for which the large Napoleonic literature is so justly celebrated. In this book de Bourienne shows us the hero of Marengo and Austerlitz in his night-gown and slippers, with a’trait de plume’. He, in a hundred instances, places the real man before us, with all his personal and private habits! A rich and beautiful…
Napoleone I
- €8,99
- In occasione del 250° Anniversario della nascita di Napoleone I, abbiamo voluto commemorare l’avvenimento presentando le più gloriose tra le campagne militari dell’Impero, quelle del 1805 e del 1806- 1807, attraverso le parole stesse dell’Imperatore: dai leggendari Bollettini della Grande Arméeai proclami, alle lettere sia quelle ufficiali indirizzate al Senato francese ed ai sovrani nemici ed alleati, sia quelle private dirette a Giuseppina, che ci danno un quadro più intimo e personale di Napoleone in guerra; documenti spesso difficilmente reperibili…