Francais et Allemands 1870-71 4th Volume – Dick De Lonlay – French-Prussian war art colour drawings
Francais et Allemands 1870-1871 Helmut Von Moltke/Dick de Lonlay – French Prussian War Art Colour drawings
The fourth and last part of the military history of the Franco-Prussian War, write by the supreme Prussian military mind, Helmuth von Moltke. This great work realized on four ebooks is presented with the finest illustrated work of the French artist Dick de Lonlay with about seventy full colour plates for each book.
eBook recentemente rivisti con l’aggiunta del monumental lavoro di Helmut Von Moltke sulla guerra del 1870 suddiviso in quattro volumi che vanno quindi ad affiancarsi al lavoro del De Lonlay con le oltre 60 tavole originali a colori per volume!