Eserciti della Guerra di Successione polacca in Italia (1733-1736): Volume 1 L’Armée d’Italie – BOX 3 tomi
- €85,00
- BOX IN OFFERTA 3 TOMI Gli avvenimenti militari della Guerra di Successione Polacca sono sempre stati piuttosto trascurati, concentrandosi invece l’attenzione sugli aspetti diplomatici del conflitto. Forse questo si deve anche alla circostanza che nel settore tedesco, considerato il teatro d’operazioni principale, non si svolsero fatti d’arme di rilievo, a parte l’assedio di alcune piazzeforti, mentre le uniche due battaglie della guerra (Parma e Guastalla) avvennero in Italia. Questa serie è dedicata agli eserciti e alle marine operanti nell’area italiana…
Betasom 1940-1943 – BOX 3 volumi
- €95,00
- BOX 3 volumi Utilizzando un’imponente documentazione d’archivio, l’opera esamina con grande rigore l’attività dei sommergibili italiani negli oceani durante la Seconda guerra mondiale. Descrive le azioni di ogni unità subacquea italiana e ne commenta con obiettività i risultati. Francesco Mattesini è prestigioso autore, obiettivo e rigoroso nella documentazione degli avvenimenti. Non solo, le sue opere hanno avuto presentazioni estremamente lusinghiere da parte dei vertici USMM; inoltre possiamo tranquillamente affermare, che per quanto riguarda Betasom, le sue ricerche sono unanimemente considerate fondamentali…
Box Baltic Republics
€39,80Il prezzo originale era: €39,80.€33,00Il prezzo attuale è: €33,00. - BOX BALTIC REPUBLIC: 2 VOLUMES AT A SPECIAL PRICE • After declaring independence in 1918, the fledgling armed forces of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania managed to defeat the Red Army. During the war, the first armored units were formed, equipped with vehicles conquered from the enemy or handed over by the British. After the conflict, those initial departments were strengthened with the purchase of tanks and armored cars, to form armored-armored components subsequently incorporated by the Soviets in 1940, after…
AF BOX 1-2-3 Axis Forces Collection
- €35,00
- ONLY AVAILABLE ON AMAZON In this issue in an elegant binding hardcover format that brings together the first three issues of the popular collectors' series The Axis Force! Hardcovers of subsequent issues will also be made, always three issues at a time. By Massimiliano Afiero, 212 pages English text Buy this book on Amazon.com Compra questo libro su Amazon.it
Box L’aviazione legionaria in Spagna – Vol. 1 e 2
€58,00Il prezzo originale era: €58,00.€49,00Il prezzo attuale è: €49,00. - BOX AVIAZIONE LEGIONARIA IN SPAGNA: 2 VOLUMI A UN PREZZO SPECIALE L'Aviazione Legionaria, (citata anche come Aviación Legionaria nella letteratura in lingua spagnola) era un corpo di spedizione della Regia Aeronautica italiana, che venne creato nel 1936 per fornire supporto logistico e tattico alle truppe guidate da Francisco Franco durante la guerra civile spagnola. Opera su due volumi con numerose fotografie d'epoca in b/n. Viene qui rappresentata l'opera degli uomini e delle macchine che hanno caratterizzato la nostra aeronautica in…
The Austrian army 1805-1809 – BOX 3 volumes
- €79,00
- 3 VOLUMES AT A SPECIAL PRICE! Even when a history writer would have wanted to celebrate the greatest European power (on land), namely the Austrian Empire, he certainly would not had chosen the terrible year 1809. What for the military apparatus in Vienna could have been a beginning of a Great Military Reform, the triumph of the Generalissimus Archduke Charles, became one of the worst nightmares of Habsburg history. In short, after a series of unfortunate events and bad military…
Box I reparti corazzati del Regio Esercito e l’Armistizio – Vol. 1 e 2
€39,80Il prezzo originale era: €39,80.€33,00Il prezzo attuale è: €33,00. - BOX ARMISTIZIO: 2 VOLUMI A UN PREZZO SPECIALE L’Armistizio dell’8 settembre 1943 colse i reparti corazzati italiani, sia dei Carristi che della Cavalleria, disseminati non solo sul territorio nazionale, ma anche all'estero. Similmente a quanto successo per tutte le Forze Armate, nemmeno essi passarono immuni la tempesta che si era scatenata ed anche da parte di queste unità le reazioni al tragico annuncio di Badoglio furono le più disparate. Attraverso una analisi puntuale, nelle pagine di questo libro si analizzerà…
Box The armored units of the Royal Army and the Armistice – Vol. 1 & 2
€39,80Il prezzo originale era: €39,80.€33,00Il prezzo attuale è: €33,00. - BOX ARMISTICE: 2 VOLUMES AT A SPECIAL PRICE The Armistice of 8 September 1943 caught the Italian armored units, both Tank units and Cavalry, scattered not only on the national territory, but also abroad. Similar to what had happened to all the Armed Forces, not even they were immune to the storm that had been unleashed and even from these units the reactions to Badoglio’s tragic announcement were the most disparate. Through an accurate analysis, in the pages of this…
Gli aerosiluranti italiani e tedeschi della seconda guerra mondiale 1940-1945 – BOX 2 volumi
- €60,00
- Il libro di Francesco Mattesini tratta in modo esaustivo quale fu la preparazione, l’organizzazione e l’attività bellica degli aerosiluranti italiani, a iniziare dalla prima sfortunata azione del 15 agosto 1940 contro le navi britanniche nel porto di Alessandria d’Egitto, la base navale della Flotta del Mediterraneo (Mediterranean Fleet), fino ad arrivare all’ultimo successo, con il siluramento e danneggiamento della nave da sbarco per carri armati britannica LCT-414, il 7 settembre 1943 presso Termini Imerese. Nello stesso tempo, con la consultazione…
Box Civil War sketch book – Vol. 1-2-3-4
€116,00Il prezzo originale era: €116,00.€90,00Il prezzo attuale è: €90,00. - BOX AMERICAN CIVIL WAR SKETCH BOOKS: 4 VOLUMES AT A SPECIAL PRICE English text
The Axis Forces 25
- €19,90
- In this issue: we start with the history of the Wallonie assault brigade, from its formation to its use on the Ukranian and Estonian fronts. Following that is the biography of a Latvian volunteer, Woldemars Veiss, one of the bravest officers, decorated with the Knight’s Cross. We continue with the employment of the Toteknkopf division in the Demyansk pocket, between January and March 1942. We conclude with a long, but hopefully interesting article by our friend Hugh Page Taylor on…
The Axis Forces 24
- €19,90
- In this number: a long and interesting work on the use of the Hitler Youth Division on the Normandy front, in the initial phases of the bloody fighting that raged on French soil in the summer of 1944. An article follows on the Italian light tanks, much maligned by official historiography, but which were used on all war fronts, especially as reconnaissance vehicles. We continue with the history of the Totenkopf division, this time dealing with the period between October…
The Axis Forces 23
- €19,90
- We begin with a long and interesting work on the use of the Totenkopf division during the Zitadelle operation launched by the Germans to eliminate the dangerous Kursk salient. Then follows the biography of Fritz von Scholz, an officer who first served in the Wiking division and then commanded the Nordland division. We continue with the formation and use of the Italian Army on the Eastern front, a topic that we will also deal with in the upcoming issues. Speaking…
The Axis Forces 22
- €19,90
- In this number: We begin with a long and interesting work on the employment of the Totenkopf division during the counter-offensive on the Ukrainian front between February and March 1943, following the SS-Panzer-Korps. This is followed by the biography of Egon Christophersen, a Danish non-commissioned officer first in the Wiking division and then in the Nordland division, who distinguished himself during the fighting on the Narva front, earning himself the Knight’s Cross. We continue with an article on the Tunisia…
The Axis Forces 21
- €12,99
- The Axis Forces 21 In this issue: we begin with the deployment of the Wiking Division in the Caucasus regions in the summer of 1942. Following is the biography of Bruno Hinz, an SS officer, who served first in the Wiking Division and then in the Götz von Berlichingen. We continue with the employment of the Italian volunteers who served in the Waffen SS on the Nettuno front in the spring of 1944. We then return to talk about the Polizei…
The Axis Forces 20
- €12,99
- In this issue: we start with the history of the Wallonie assault brigade, from its formation to its use on the Ukranian and Estonian fronts. Following that is the biography of a Latvian volunteer, Woldemars Veiss, one of the bravest officers, decorated with the Knight's Cross. We continue with the employment of the Toteknkopf division in the Demyansk pocket, between January and March 1942. We conclude with a long, but hopefully interesting article by our friend Hugh Page Taylor on…
The Axis Forces 19
- €12,99
- We begin with the deployment of the Polizei Division on the Eastern Front, in the early summer of 1941. For the biographies, this time we address one of the best known and most famous officers of the Waffen SS, Gerd Bremer, who served first in the Leibstandarte Division and then in the Hitlerjugend. We continue with the third part of our study on Frikorps Danmark, as always accompanied by numerous and interesting photographs. The second part of the article dedicated…
The Axis Forces 18
- €12,99
- Eighty years ago, exactly in the summer of 1941, on June 22, 1941, German military forces invaded the Soviet Union, beginning one of the largest military campaigns of the entire Second World War. We will start from this issue of the magazine to retrace the fundamental stages of the war on the Eastern front, dealing, as always, mainly with foreign voluntary units. Let’s now analyze the contents of this new issue of the magazine. Let’s start with the history of…
The Axis Forces 17
- €12,99
- Let's start with the formation of the SS Division Nord in 1941, on the eve of its employment on the Finnish front. Following is the biography of Josef Rollecke, a man decorated with the Knight's Cross, of the 3. SS-Panzer Division 'Totenkopf'. We continue with the first part of an in-depth study on the history of Frikorps Danmark, the Danish volunteer formation. Another biography dedicated to Georg Keppler, commanding officer of the Waffen-SS follows. The study dedicated to Italians decorated…
The Axis Forces 16
- €12,99
- Axis Force 16 available December, 29th - PREORDER IT NOW The contents of this new issue: let's start with the use of the SS cavalry units on the Polish front between 1939 and 1941, mainly engaged as security forces and in the anti-partisan struggle. Following is the biography of Herbert-Otto Gille, one of the most representative figures of the Waffen-SS, regimental, division and army corps commander. We continue with the fourth part of the article dedicated to the employment of…
The Axis Forces 15
- €12,99
- Axis Force 15 The contents of this new issue: the Totenkopf-Division on the Western Front (May-June 1940), General der Waffen-SS Matthias Kleinheisterkamp, Hitler's Cossacks (part 3), Hans Siegel, Knight’s Cross Holder of the 12. SS-Panzer Division, SS-Panzergrenadier-Division Wiking on the Manytsch Front and the Panzerschreck. By Massimiliano Afiero, 80 pages English text Buy this book on Amazon.com Compra questo libro su Amazon.it
The Axis Forces 14
- €12,99
- In this issue we start with an article dedicated to the use of the SS Totenkopf division on the Western Front in the spring of 1940. This is followed by the history of the bersaglieri (light infantry) units of the Italian Social Republic, in particular of the "Italia Division" with many unpublished photos. The biography of this issue is dedicated to one of the most important characters in the history of Waffen SS, Paul Hasser. We continue with the second…
The Axis Forces 13
- €12,99
- In this issue we start with an article dedicated to the use of the SS Prinz Eugen division during the 'Schwarz' operation, conducted on the Balkan front in May 1943. This is followed by the biography of Philipp Theiss, extracted from the new book by our Peter Mooney. We continue with the first part of the article dedicated to the recruitment of the Cossacks into the German armed forces and with the second part of the monumental work dedicated to…
The Axis Forces 12
- €12,99
- In this issue we wanted to commemorate the 80th anniversary of both the German invasion of Poland and the Soviet invasion of Finland, two events that marked the beginning of World War II. In fact, analyzing the contents of this new issue, we initially find an article on the use of Totenkopf units in Poland in September 1939, a second article on the Soviet invasion of Finland. Then we find the biography of Karl Heinz-Boska by Peter Mooney, the history…
The Axis Forces 11
- €12,99
- We begin with with the article by P. Crippa, about the tanks of Mussolini, the armored division wanted by the Duce equipped with German vehicles. Following is the biography of Siegfried Brosow, one of the most famous and decorated officers of Waffen SS. We continue with an article about the employment of the Götz von Berlichingen division during the Mortain counteroffensive and another article on the employment of the Kampfgruppe Peiper on the Ukrainian front in 1943. Grégory Bouysse offers us a…